The first, the revolutionary precept of the hate crime 首先出现了,革命性的仇恨犯罪定义
The first, the revoiutionary precept of the hate crime 最初,革命党定下了憎恨罪的准则。
Are hate crimes really a problem 仇恨犯罪真的是一个问题吗?
Church leaders blame the rise of hate crimes and racially-motivated attacks 教会领袖谴责报复以及种族攻击
Church leaders blame the rise of hate crimes and racially-motivated attacks . . 教会领袖谴责报复以及种族攻击..
Q . what is a hate crimes act and how will it help gays and lesbians 问:什么是仇恨犯罪防治法案,它将如何帮助同性恋者?
A hate crimes bill has nothing to do with sentencing crimes, but has to do with funding 仇恨犯罪防治议案与犯罪判决无关,但与资金有关。
Nichols was not charged with a hate crime, as many in the hmong community had demanded 尼科尔斯没有被控仇恨犯罪,因为许多人在苗族社区中要求
Makes money and resources available for local communities when a hate crime has been committed 使资金和资源在处理仇恨犯罪案件时得以被当地机构使用。
More indirect evidence comes from studies of hate crimes, which are thought to have some parallels with terrorism 更多的间接证据来自对仇恨犯罪的研究,这些犯罪被视为与恐怖主义有着类似之处。